Start Here If You Have Been Arrested or Accused of a Crime

If you’re here you are facing an unfortunate reality – you have been arrested and charged with a crime. Maybe you have been frantically searching the internet looking for answers, but you’re not even sure that you are asking the right questions. What happens next? What are your options? What penalties are you facing? What do you do? The best thing to do is to get in touch with an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. A legal professional can answer your questions, explain the process, and discuss what may be the best way forward. More importantly, they can take control of the situation and start working toward getting it resolved as soon as possible with as little consequence to you and your family.

It’s late and I’ve been arrested. What number should I call?

You can email or call Dreiling Law APC at 310-893-1903. Criminal Defense Attorney R.J. Dreiling is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days per year. If you have to leave a message when we’re away, you will get a return phone call within 12 hours. The hours following your arrest are critical to the outcome of your case. The sooner you can talk to a criminal defense lawyer, the more likely they will be able to obtain a positive outcome. No matter how late it is, do not hesitate to contact a lawyer.

Can I afford your criminal defense services?

At Dreiling Law APC, we are willing to discuss our fees in a completely open and transparent manner. We will answer all of your questions to ensure you are totally comfortable with our fees before we move forward. We are also happy to discuss with you whether our fees are compatible with your financial situation.

Take Control of Your Case and Call Dreiling Law APC

24/7/365, we’re here to help you face your charges. Call or email us today to schedule a consultation.